Synergy Files is proud to announce our own dedicated channel on YouTube.

Since its inception in October 2013, Synergy files website has continually provided almost 100 article analysing the latest developments in the field of renewable energy. We have also written detailed features (like of optimization of Tesla’s Battery pack) explaining many aspects of the fast growing technology. Our articles and info graphics on Lithium Ion batteries have seen the most traction. Users have also found information on efficient renewable devices extremely helpful.
Synergy Files aims to continually evolve to cater for the changing needs of our community. Back in 2013, the website started as a blog site but reader found more value when it was turned into a niche site. Today synergy files is fast on track in becoming an authority site in the field of renewable energy and sustainability.
It is well known that Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world. With fast pace life styles, reading and even skimming has become tedious. People are now searching for short videos to get required information.
A Chinese proverb says ” a picture is worth a thousand words”. As our attention spans get shorter, we increasingly look towards visual information in a snapshot. Small videos recently have become popular breaking down complex ideas into bite size concepts that can be easily consumed.
Our website will continue to provide more detailed articles on renewable energy and sustainability. On the other hand the Synergy Files YouTube channel will provide small (up to 3 min) videos loaded with summarized information. Video format is not only extremely informative because of its visual nature but also helps emphasize more nuanced points.
Here is a look at our first video:
Synergy Files team will endeavour to upload at least one video every week. We hope you will continue the journey with us for a better, more sustainable world. Do subscribe to our channel and help us spread the word by sharing this information with your friends. Also don’t forget to leave your valuable feedback on our videos in the comment section.