Renewable energy is on the rise. Besides being Carbon friendly, the other advantageous fact about this mode of energy is that it reconnects mankind with nature. To power our grid entirely with renewable/ zero carbon energy is a possibility but it would require the right mix and the availability of grid level storage. This may sound like a complex concept to grasp, but it can be done in a recreational manner.
Many large scale energy storage solutions are coming online but they technology overall is still at an embryonic stage. A more practical energy mix, rich in renewables in present times, would require some CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) along with Nuclear energy.
To instill the concepts of sustainability in the younger generation, in this age of consumerism is a challenge. Similarly exploiting renewable energy options also requires vision. Given that the younger generation is getting hardwired in learning complex concepts through virtual environments and interactive means, games are one of the best options to teach renewable energy.
This article lists some of the games that will help cement the concepts of sustainability and renewable energy for the youngsters. Some games are available online, while other with more detail and complexity are available both on phone and computers. Most renewable energy games available are targeted for children in the 6-12 age group.
NASA Climate Kids
NASA Climate Kids is an online portal that comprehensively covers nearly all aspects of sustainability and energy in fun and extremely interesting manner. From wind turbines to sustainable fishing practices, it provides information in an interactive mode. It features not only games but also quizzes, videos and blue prints for making interesting gadgets. There are many games on the climate kids website. The one related to purely renewable energy is called Power up. It can be accessed from this link.
Path to Luna
Based on a great motive of saving the civilization, the Path to Luna provides an engaging retreat. Discovering new worlds and creating plans of saving it from climatic disasters are part of its game’s theme. This puzzle game is based on a central character SAM and android whose has been tasked to save abandoned planets in Chroma galaxy. There is plenty to immerse yourself in with 20 different worlds to be explored and healed. The game requires 200 MB of memory and can be played on phone and PC. A preview of the game can be seen in the video below
ElectroCity is not only an online game but a community. The main idea of the game is to build eco-friendly cities. The challenge increases as the city grows larger. You can play the game as an individual or participate as a school group. The best cities are honored by displaying them on a separate page on the Electrocity website. The gameplay is similar to SimCity, a classic game which was based on construction management. This game is more focused on energy and sustainability. It is developed by a New Zealand firm called Genesis Energy.
Also Worth Mentioning
There are also many online science learning platforms such as Wonderville that also provide an insight into renewable energy.
One laudable effort that is also worth mentioning is by University of Manchester. This university is among the group of “Red brick Universities” that are considered prestigious in the field of Engineering. The university has created a portal for children, which is called Children’s university of Manchester. It covers a whole host of topics including renewable energy.

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An article on interesting energy sources in movies can be found here.