This website is for students and professionals who are interested in the area of Renewable Energy and Sustainability. In a fast moving world of technology, keeping pace with information can be challenging. Synergy Files aims to provide fresh, informative and compelling articles that will help you make greener and sustainable choices in your life and career.
Synergy Files will endeavor to bring you information that really matters presented in a way that is easy to understand. Synergy Files is based in Scotland, a country at the forefront of Renewable energy technology.
The website has already posted over 100 articles that have helped thousands of students in increasing their understanding of the world and the nature of its energy use. Our content can also be accessed from our facebook page. In the age of smartphone, people are consuming more and more information through videos. Youtube has become the second largest search engine. Often content requiring visualization is best presented in video format. To cater for this need, Synergy Files is working towards its Youtube Channel and several videos have already been posted.
Synergy Files started as a blogsite in 2013, but overtime has evolved into a niche site. Initially articles were published sporadically but with growing readership, frequency of publication increased. Since February 2016, at least 5 articles have been published every month. Students are encouraged to contribute to the website as long as their content creates value and is original.
In the near future, Synergy Files will be hosting workshops that will be open to students interested in Renewable Energy. The workshop will provide hands on experience in making Solar cookers, Solar water heaters, Solar water purification systems and PV panels.
We also aim to provide online courses on Renewable energy in the near future through our Learning Management System.
Join the green revolution. Please subscribe to the website for valuable and original content and tell your friends about synergy files.
Synergy Files: Let sustainability begin
Any queries can be directed to Email:
Dear Business Owner,
Hope you and your family had an amazing New Year’s Holiday!!
This is Ryan from an Internet marketing company. I wanted to get with you after the New year and see if I might be able to help you to develop your business in 2016.
While studying your website I couldn’t help noticing it lacked any significant rankings in Google. As you already suspect, this means your site is virtually invisible to potential customers searching for a supplier in your field.
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We have the expertise to send hundreds, or even thousands, of customers to your website. The ways We can tell you quickly.
Make your website More visible in all Major Search Engines!!
Improve your Online sales through website rankings!!
What this would cost??
If you’d like to know more information on the same, you’re welcome to write back to me with your questions. I would be happy to provide you more information about my Company and our services.
Hope to hearing from you soon.
Have a Good Day!
Warm Regards,
Ryan Brown
Marketing Executive
I would like to get your assistance in recommending the best manufacturers in the market for a 3-phase + neutral + ground 230/127 VAC 60-Hz hybrid solar pure sinewave inverter charger off/on grid that to install in my house and connect to a battery bank and solar panels array. I sized my load to be around 10 kW so the optimum size of the system is about 12 kW.
My intent from this installation is to reduce my electric bills by 50% and not to export power to utility company and also reliable clean power becuase of pure sinewave UPS. So during day time solar panels will charge battery bank and power my loads. However, during night power will be supplied by battery bank and utility company.
This is inaccurate information.
Hydro is the most efficient followed by geothermal, by a long distance.
Solar and wind are not in the runnIng due to their lack of feasibility at night, when there is limited sun during the day and when there is no wind!!! Hydo and geo. 24/7