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Schematic Diagram Solar Air Heater Educational Resources

Understanding Solar Air Heaters

Solar air Heaters can be made easily at home with recyclable materials. In this article, we will try to explain what are the best practices for making efficient solar air heaters. Solar Air Heaters are a very cost effective way of achieving heating and ventilation. With so many packaging materials ending up in waste it […]

What are Transformerless Inverters

Inverters or Solar Inverters  are used in PV systems for converting DC electricity in AC. Now often in solar PV systems, low voltage DC is converted (that could be 12 V, 24, 48 V or 96 Volts) to much higher voltage AC current (around 220 Volts) that we can use in our electrical appliances. For […]

Duffie and Beckman Educational Resources

History of Solar Energy Technology

Solar Energy Technology can be broken into two strands, namely solar Thermal and Solar Photovoltaic. Solar Thermal Energy has been utilized by civilizations from time immemorial. Our ancestors in the northern hemisphere lived in caves, with their openings towards the south. This was done to allow most amount of light into the dwelling,  particularly during cold winter […]

Upcoming Solar Energy Course on Udemy

Synergy Files is proud to announce that a online third course on Solar Energy will be launched on 23rd of November, 2016. The course will be hosted by Udemy which is the biggest teaching platform online. The course can now be accessed from this link This course will teach students not only about the theoretical aspects of Solar Energy, […]

Five essential solar gadgets for camping

Next time you go out for caravanning, camping or  trekking than the following 5 gadgets can not only add richness to your experience but also make your trip more environmental friendly. Going outdoors is actually good for the environment. How? Well given that when we stay at home, we eventually end up using energy (heating and […]

Solar Radiation Spectrum Educational Resources

All you need to know about Solar Radiation

Solar Radiation is extremely important not just to mankind but for life in general on our planet. It is what makes our planet habitable. It provides sustenance to earth’s eco-systems. It is the source of all forms of energy on our planet. One has to bear in mind that even energy from fossils fuels used today was once bio-chemical […]

Ford C Max Hybrid with Solar panels Educational Resources

PV technology of the Future

Photo Voltaic (PV) Technology has come a long way from its inception about  60 years ago. The PV efficiency that was only 1% to begin with,  has risen to almost 23%. When these figures are compared with an Internal Combustion engine, whose efficiency has stagnated  at 15-18% after a century of research, the promise this  technology holds can […]