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Educational Resources

The use of AI for Energy Efficiency & Sustainability

Has Artificial Intelligence  reached a point where its use for improving energy efficiency at personal and communal scale has become inevitable?  While renewable energy has provided options for relatively clean and emissions  free power, there are issues around integrating these systems into  the grid. Attaching an intermittent power source – the bane of renewable energy-  […]

Revamping Electrical Infrastructure for Renewable

Planning on the infrastructure is crucial to determine the viability of projects particularly in power sector. Poor planning became apparent most recently when a coal fired  power plant located in Sahiwal, Pakistan faced logistic problems. Sahiwal is land locked and almost 800 miles from the nearest sea port. The coal extracted in the region around the plant was […]

Interesting facts about Renewable Energy

A few interesting facts regarding Renewable Energy have been compiled here in: Solar Energy Solar Energy is the biggest source of energy on planet earth The energy that the earth receives from the sun in just one hour is more than humans consume in a year Just past the atmosphere, the strength of the solar […]

Efficiency of best renewable devices Educational Resources

Top 10 Renewable Devices Rated by Efficiency

This infographic carries information on Renewable Devices rated by efficiency. A more detailed article on each of these technologies can be accessed form here It should be noted that renewable devices rated by efficiency in the infographic does not necessarily imply the best devices for every situation. Their effectiveness depends mainly upon the availability of […]

Renewable Education Educational Resources

Renewable Energy Education in the UK

In this article, a list of all the institutes offering courses on Renewable energy technology at the undergraduate level has been compiled. Before opting for Renewables, students should understand a few facts about this field that are mentioned in the passages below. In the last decade, Renewable Energy Technology (RET) has seen growth across the globe. Solar […]

Home Brewed Bio-Diesel

  Unlike wind, Bio-fuels/mass is often less discussed and considered the high hanging fruit on the renewable energy tree. Overtime however, there has been a steady increase in the use of Bio-fuels for both economic reasons and for meeting the green directives. This article discusses the production of Bio-fuel in Scotland through edible oil. The […]

Lifting the Mood of a Nation

It has been nearly 10 years since I first set foot in Edinburgh (at bus stop opposite Haymarket station to be precise). Although clear blue sky is seldom seen, but when it is, it is worth the wait. Windy days in the recent past have dominated the weather news. At times I find the Scottish […]